Chris Tymchuck Speaks to Saint Paul Ledger Minnesota Lawyer on Serving Nontraditional Families
Mar 3, 2023
Minneapolis, MN (Law Firm Newswire) February 02, 2022 – Chris Tymchuck – founder of Unique Estate Law – recently spoke with the Saint Paul Ledger Minnesota Lawyer about the changing legal landscape of working with nontraditional families.
Before the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges legalizing same-sex marriage, the term nontraditional families “meant couples of the same-sex were legally prohibited from marrying,” noted Tymchuck.
“However, with the legalization of such marriages, I think the term applies differently now,” said Tymchuck.
The article points out that nontraditional families include families with stepparents, single parents, children raised by other relatives, and people choosing not to be married; those who do not get married face unique challenges.
“The legal challenges for them are not the same, whether in a same-sex relationship or not,” Tymchuck said.
Chris’ practice is focused on estate planning, serving clients from all walks of life throughout Minnesota. Chris is a highly experienced trust, estate, and probate attorney with a well-earned reputation as a dedicated advocate of nontraditional families.
“I spend a lot of time trying to educate families on the need to get a plan, even if they’re not married,” Chris said.
Of particular concern are issues with children and the loopholes in the legal parentage act that do not automatically recognize a “nonbiological mother” as the legal parent of the child, making it crucial for women in same-sex relationships to go through the stepparent adoption process.
Despite the challenges facing nontraditional families and the LGTQ+ community, society is evolving, and more and more attorneys are tailoring their services to meet the needs of such families. Regardless of the issue, turn to Unique Estate Law for the informed representation needed and the caring, personal service one deserves.